For owners who wish to do so, Terrésens can accompany them from A to Z during the seasonal rental of their flat.
Choose the rental solution that suits you best.
Opt for the commercial lease : DADDY POOL
- - 11-year contractual rental income commitment.
- - Yield of up to 4% annually before rental charges and net of taxes.
- - Option to transform part of the rent into owner occupancy.
- - Reclaim VAT (20%) on the purchase price**.
Very limited number of apartments available (between 5% and 10%) in each apartment complex in order to secure the rental investment.

Investor option
Invest for your retirement with an income-generating property in a premium location.

Dynamic option
Enjoy great freedom of occupancy, while also enjoying a profitable level of seasonal rental income.

Classic Option
In the event you prefer to deal directly with the management of your apartment (estate agency concept) without benefiting from the VAT Rebate :

Basic option
Rent out your property yourself, while benefiting from hotel-style services.
Simplify your rental process : a single contact person at your service. Invest in a safe bet : high-end real estate, premium locations, new low-energy construction.
(*) For up to a maximum of 182 days per year when purchasing a furnished apartment that offers para-hotel services.
(**) Reclaiming VAT: Article 261 D 4e / Article 271 I and Art 271 IV of the French tax code (CGI): recovery of VAT acquired by 20th when purchasing a furnished home offering hotel-style services.
(***) With rental management
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