Buying a Second Home
1/ In the mountains
Some property development programmes allow you to buy with this package, but the number of apartments is often limited.
Most French mountain resorts are keen to maintain tourist revenue, so they ask second home-owners to rent out their second home for several weeks a year during the summer or winter seasons.
A Real Win-Win Situation
In the long term, mandatory rental can be very good news for owners’ property assets.
A resort with a healthy tourist economy = good sports and cultural infrastructures and dynamic, renovated local shops and businesses = enhanced resort value = increased local property values.
Several rental solutions are available for homeowners who want to rent out their second homes:
- • Direct management or management via a local property agency
- • The CRT Terrésens turnkey management services, which allow owners to reclaim 20% VAT on the property purchase (see CRT)
2/ By the sea and abroad
On a case by case basis, and depending on local administrative authorisations, our property programmes may be eligible for use as main residences, second homes or second home rental investments.
Our recent programs
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The “Le Hameau de la Couronne” apartment complex lies in the heart of an authentic Swiss village resort. This exceptional apartment comp...
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Residence L'Altarena - Become a homeowner in Les Saisies. Located on the large plateau of Beaufortain, at an altitude of 1,650m, Les Saisie...
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