Second Home

And if you could earn money with your second home ?

by Terrésens second home's specialis

Choose your profil


Opt for the commercial lease : DADDY POOL

  • - 11-year contractual rental income commitment.
  • - Yield of up to 4% annually before rental charges and net of taxes.
  • - Option to transform part of the rent into owner occupancy.
  • - Reclaim VAT (20%) on the purchase price**.

Very limited number of apartments available (between 5% and 10%) in each apartment complex in order to secure the rental investment.

Investor option

Invest for your retirement with an income-generating property in a premium location.

Dynamic option

Enjoy great freedom of occupancy, while also enjoying a profitable level of seasonal rental income.

Classic Option

You may prefer to manage the rental yourself (like an estate agent) without benefiting from VAT recovery.

Basic option 

Rent out your property yourself, while benefiting from hotel-style services.


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